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Make your real estate business work for you. No burnout necessary.


We’ll teach you to build a business that’s sustainable, scalable, and stress-free. No BS, no distractions, no excuses—just consistent execution of the few things that truly matter. 


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News & Events

CRM Bootcamp: Follow Up Boss Edition

4-week live coaching starting August 1st

You asked for it, and here it is! In this hands-on training for Follow Up Boss users, you'll learn step-by-step practices to save time, eliminate confusion, and stay in touch you can truly maximize your repeat and referral business.

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Meet David Lewis

Now available for private coaching

David is a Compass broker with a small team in northern California. As a coach, he teaches agents to master Tactical Empathy the same way he did—through consistent, deliberate practice with timely, targeted feedback.

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Podcast Appearance: The Full Fee Agent in 2024

Watch it now

Steve is back on the Boroughs & 'Burbs podcast for a second time to discuss his collaboration with Voss on The Full Fee Agent, revealing groundbreaking strategies for maximizing earnings and transforming client relationships. Discover how mastering Jedi mind tricks like 'mirroring' can elevate your game and propel your career to new heights.

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Learn with us


We have a range of programs and resources designed to meet you wherever you are.



Learn the fundamentals of building a sustainable, scalable, stress-free business with our books.


Get ongoing education, support, and accountability from a live coach, in a group or one-on-one.


Dive deep into a specific topic on your own schedule with our on-demand video courses.

Live Events

Attend a bootcamp, retreat, or conference for an intensive learning experience with like-minded agents.

Explore our programs

We'll teach you how to...

Charge a full fee, every time

It’s not impossible—in fact, it’s essential. Learning to ask for (and get) 6% will transform you from a commodity into a trusted advisor, sought after and valued by your clients.

Make the deals come to you

Tired of chasing deals and feeling like a pushy salesperson? Learn how to nurture your relationships the right way, to fill your pipeline with repeat and referral business that comes to you effortlessly.

Stress less—way less

Say goodbye to constant anxiety and overwhelm. Learn how to get out of crisis mode, navigate tough conversations with ease, and make confident decisions about how to run your business.

Get your life back

Leave the 24/7 work life behind. Learn how to manage your time and streamline your processes so all the important things get done, without spilling into your evenings and weekends.

Stop wasting your resources

No more time wasted on people who will never hire you. No more money wasted on marketing that doesn’t work. No more energy wasted on worrying. Learn how to focus your resources on what actually moves the needle.

Build a sellable business

Don’t let your last deal be your last paycheck. Learn how to treat your business like a business, not just a job, so you can pass it on or sell it when you retire—and reap the rewards.

This coaching is life-changing

"I cannot say enough good things about coaching with Steve. It is a privilege. He is the real deal. If you put in the work with his guidance, he will get you there and keep you going. He will help you rewire your brain and make more money, scale down your chaos and enjoy your life. Now I take at least one day off every weekend. Hadn’t done that for the past twenty years. I cherish the coaching and look forward to so much more."

Ellen Schwartz

Westchester County, NY

"Thanks to Steve’s coaching, I now work 15 hours a week on average and have made high 6 figures for over 15 years. I didn’t have to do anything new, creative, or different—I just had to listen to what he told me to do and do it consistently. Steve focuses on the ACTIONS and MINDSET that allow you to thrive, not business plans and forced goals. As a result my work is high-impact and fun. Instead of being burnt out, I am on fire and loving my life."

Jeffrey Saad

Los Angeles, CA

"Steve is a rock star, and his words and guidance have positively changed my business in these last 4 years! Before his coaching, my team's commissions averaged close to 5%. Now, we have implemented the Full Fee Agent mindset, and we have earned as much as $400,000 more since making 6% our standard. Steve's coaching has helped me and my whole team to be more efficient and productive. We waste less time, so we can enjoy more time off than we have for years!"

Jody Clegg

Huntington Beach, CA

Try it for yourself

See what we're talking about

Presenting Offers: How to Win the Listing Agent to Your Side

Jul 27, 2024

Preparing Offers: How to Help Buyers Make the Right Call

Jul 19, 2024

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