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Hi! I'm Caroline Wilkins.

I'm the Operations Director at Performance Coaching, and I teach agents how to leverage their CRM to to manage and grow their business.

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Learn From Caroline

Private CRM Coaching

For solo agents and teams

Work with me 1-on-1 to get your CRM into shape, build your personal daily routine around it, and maximize its power to accelerate your business growth.

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The CRM Bootcamp

Live group coaching

Every agent has a CRM, but few use it well. In this 10-week program, you'll learn to use this powerful tool to build a scalable, resilient repeat and referral business.

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"Caroline has an easily digestible, methodical and purpose-driven approach to CRM.

Probably like you, I was overwhelmed with CRM. I anticipated that CRM coaching would only add to my overwhelm, but I’m so glad I did it. She truly is a master. It was a direct and simple process. She broke down everything very clearly. After our coaching sessions, my mindset was already starting to shift about CRM, and it felt good to be getting it in better condition."

Jeff Landau
Thousand Oaks, CA

Private CRM Coaching

A CRM is the most powerful tool for growing your business, hands down. You might have one, but are you getting the most out of it? Most agents and teams aren’t, and they’re missing out on countless deals because of it. You probably are, too—but we’re here to fix that.

The goal of this program is to make it as easy as possible to nurture your business relationships every day. I’ll help you set up your CRM for maximum efficiency and alignment with your business goals. Then, I’ll teach you and your team how to make it a seamless and painless part of your daily workflow.

For Solo Agents

Enroll for $2,500


Discovery Questionnaire

You’ll start by completing a Discovery Questionnaire, which gives us insight into you, your business, and your goals so we can create a customized coaching plan for you.


CRM Audit & Opportunity Report

Then, you’ll give us access to your CRM, and we’ll do a deep dive into your contacts, current segmentation and organization, follow up frequency, and more. 

We’ll identify specific problems to solve and opportunities to maximize the effectiveness of your CRM, which we’ll summarize in a written report.


Four 30-Minute Strategy Sessions

You’ll work one-on-one with our CRM expert to execute the recommendations from your CRM Audit. This can include:

  • Organizing and cleaning up your database
  • Tailoring your CRM for your specific business needs 
  • Identifying key daily CRM tasks
  • Creating follow up systems for past clients, referrals, and other contact groups
  • Creating action plans for specific scenarios (Likely to Sell, Open House, etc.)
  • Discussing contact frequency and what to say
  • Exploring email marketing strategy and best practices
  • …and more

For Teams

Enroll for $3,500


Discovery Call with Team Principal(s)

We’ll discuss the challenges you’re facing around CRM use within your team, including things like:

  • Building a team culture around CRM
  • Making CRM a part of your team meetings
  • How to set an example as a team leader
  • Engage agents in CRM use
  • Setting team standards around CRM


Customized Team Training Plan

Based on the discovery call, we’ll create a customized training plan to address the issues most relevant to your team.


Four 1-Hour Team Training Sessions

These sessions will cover topics like:

  • CRM basics (organizing, daily habits, etc.)
  • Past client best practices
  • The power of the home anniversary
  • Best practices on leveraging your SOI
  • Managing referral sources
  • The CRM timeblock (what it is and how to do it)
  • The most effective email templates


What's your story?

I've spent the last decade helping people leverage technology to grow their businesses. For the last 8 years, I've been working with hundreds of top-producing agents and teams across the country on how to leverage CRM to manage and grow their business. I brings experience from my time at BoomTown, Contactually, and Compass.

What's the focus of your coaching?

My coaching is laser-focused on getting the most out of your CRM. My mission is to get you to a place where you actually look forward to using it every day, and you can feel the difference it makes in your business. Working your CRM is absolutely essential for building a sustainable, scalable, stress-free business because it allows you to stop chasing deals and focus instead on repeat and referral business.

Who would be a great fit for your coaching?

If you don't yet have a strong daily CRM routine that feels good and produces results, you're a great candidate to work with me. In many cases, my clients have had a CRM for years, but they find it confusing and overwhelming, so they avoid using it. As a result, their relationships fade away and they miss out on countless dollars in repeat and referral business. If that sounds like you, let's talk!

Which of the 6 Building Blocks is your favorite?

CRM, obviously! Many agents dread opening their CRM, but once you learn to use it properly, it can be one of the most fun, satisfying, and productive parts of your day.

What are some books you recommend?

  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Real Estate is Not Rocket Science by Steve Shull

How do you like to spend your free time?

I live in Washington, DC with my husband, our two young kids, and our two dogs. I love to spend time with them!

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