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Beyond the Book 

Practicing Tactical Empathy with Danielle Lazier


Take the concepts you've read about in The Full Fee Agent, and learn how to put tactical empathy into real-life practice in this live role play class.


"Danielle is the agent who has embraced Tactical Empathy more than any other. Her mastery of this methodology is obvious. She is in the field every day putting this work to the test, real life in real time. Join her in this program to dramatically increase your communication, negotiating, and business-building skills."

Steve Shull

The class will cover the following scenarios:

  • Are you the FAVORITE OR FOOL within 15-20 minutes!
  • Pre-listing zoom appointment
  • Prospecting of all kinds: door knocking, cold calls, open houses etc
  • Negotiations of all kinds
  • Listing appointments
  • Buyer consults
  • Buyer broker agreements
  • Offer presentations (buyer/seller/agent)
  • Unrealistic buyers
  • Dealing with other agents
  • Requests for repair (buyer/seller/agent)
  • Commission
  • Overpriced listings/price reductions
  • Low ball offers (buyer/seller/agent)

  • Asking for referrals
  • Asking for online reviews
  • Delivering any kind of bad news.
  • Having stressful/tough/courageous conversations
  • Vacation/taking time off/being out of town
  • Networking with your sphere of influence  
  • Calling past clients and sphere of influence
  • How to exit gracefully
  • Multiple offers on a property (buyer/seller/agent)
  • Contingencies (buyer/seller/agent)
  • Closing timelines and delays - Negotiating the closing date and timeline can be important for both the buyer and seller, and may require communication and coordination with lenders, title companies, and other parties involved in the sale.
  • Marketing and advertising= When you and your Seller disagree on what is important.
  • Property disclosures - Communicating accurate and thorough information about the property, including any known defects or issues, can help avoid future legal issues.
  • Home warranties - Negotiating the terms of a home warranty (getting Buyer or Seller (not you!) to purchase one) can provide additional protection and peace of mind for both the buyer and seller and agent.
  • Home staging and property preparation - Negotiating the cost and logistics of home staging
  • Property appraisals - Negotiating the results of a property appraisal can be critical in determining the sale price and ensuring a successful transaction.
  • Title issues - Communicating and resolving any title issues, such as liens or encumbrances, can help ensure a smooth closing process.
  • Real estate disputes - Negotiating and resolving any disputes that arise during the real estate sale process, such as disagreements over commissions or contract terms, may require skilled negotiation and communication.

What You'll Learn


How you do business is much more important that how much business you do.

How much time do you spend preparing for a listing appointment, going on the listing appointment and then following up after?

Imagine if you only spent time working for people when you have a commitment from them to work with you. No more free consulting.

Imagine if you did the same amount of deals (and likely many more of them) but without the dog and pony show of listing presentations when, in reality, you are only the “expert second opinion” or “due diligence”.

Imagine how much time this will save you.

No more prep. No more listing presentations. No more follow up. No more free consulting.

In this 6 week class, Danielle Lazier will show you exactly how to apply the tactics you've read about in The Full Fee Agent.

What You'll Get


Want to see Tactical Empathy in action?

Check out this 4 minute preview of Danielle and Steve's role play.

Danielle Lazier is one of the most insightful coaches I've ever encountered. She understands agents and the predicaments we face, because she's been there - done that, but she also understands clients, their objections, fears and their motivations. Her deep understanding of emotional intelligence has helped me see things that were once totally unclear. Her coaching is a way of life, not just a way of doing business. And once you're plugged in you will save yourself time and heartache and the joy of having your own business will start to prevail. If you want to feel love and excitement about what you do vs. worrying and having anxiety about it, coach with Danielle. It's a profound journey that will improve your business and more.

Lorin Ruttenburg
Realtor ®

Meet Your Instructor

Danielle Lazier 

Meeting Chris Voss and Steve Shull changed my life. About four years ago, I was producing at a very high level in the competitive San Francisco real estate market. From the outside, things looked great. On the inside, I was stressed and burnt out. For all my love of helping people through real estate, all my talents and skills and success, the dog and pony show of competing for clients had worn me down. I was sick of it.

Then, I went to LA for a conference with Steve and Chris where they presented Chris’ book, Never Split the Difference. My mind was blown. They described the dark, ugly parts of being a Realtor and how to escape from the hamster wheel. It was what my intuition had been saying for years: the playing field was NOT even. I did NOT have an equal chance to win every client. I needed to learn to tell when I was the FAVORITE or the FOOL.

Four years ago, I got off the hamster wheel and became the “guinea pig.” I walked the plank, tested the theories, and lived to tell the tale. Now, I’m here to help you do your very important job, but in less time, and with A LOT less stress.

Ready to do business a better way?